APWG and the Carnegie Mellon CyLab Usable Privacy and Security Laboratory (CUPS) joined forces to educate consumers about phishing and established this redirect utility for ISPs to instruct the most vulnerable consumers — at no new cost. Online safety instruction, delivered by a tyrannical though empathetic owl, is presented in one of 21 languages, geared to the language settings of users’ browsers. See: http://phish-education.apwg.org/r/
The APWG-IPC created a separate webpage that will help the manager of the company whose servers have been co-opted for use in phishing attacks learn how to initialize redirects to the APWG/CMU education page (click here)
The APWG and CMU’s CUPS encourage all brand owners to approve this process, all takedown providers to request the use of this redirect scheme, and all ISPs, registrars, registries, etc. to redirect to this page instead of serving an error page.
If you would like to learn more about this initiative, please contact us at: info@apwg.org