The APWG Crypto Currency Working Group helps cryptocurrency exchanges, wallets, investment funds and consumers protect their cryptocurrency assets against phishing and targeted attacks. The Cryptocurrency Anti-Phishing Working Group enables cryptocurrency exchanges to submit live phishing information to the APWG eCrime Exchange (eCX) and get that data distributed into web browsers, email clients and other security products in real-time, protecting over 100 million consumers. The APWG eCrime Exchange allows cryptocurrency providers to have known phishing URLs, domains, IP addresses, and cryptocurrency addresses get quickly blocked by the majority of Internet security gateways and filters in the world
The APWG Crypto Currency Working Group (APWG CCWG) was formed by the Anti-Phishing Workng Group ( –, a non-profit organization with over 2,200 member companies and agencies worldwide dedicated to fighting Internet phishing and fraud. Since 2004 the APWG has hosted electronic crime conferences around the world focused on bringing together security practitioners from e-commerce, payments, banking, security and law enforcement to solve and prevent crimes against online identity and financial accounts.
Membership in the APWG CCWG includes access to members-only private data exchanges on the eCX to ease collaborative forensic investigation against common criminal adversaries. There are also security and forensics sessions at the APWG eCrime conferences where cryptocurrency companies can collaborate with the security industry to better protect their customers and employees.
For details on benefits and how to apply for membership see this page.