2019 Accepted Research Papers
The Symposium on Electronic Crime Research is an annual event hosted by the APWG. The event’s continuing goal is to promote cybercrime research by providing an venue for university researchers to publish their work. The program has published 100’s of papers specifically focused on fraud and crime in the cyber world.

Below the Radar: Spotting DNS Tunnels in Newly Observed Hostnames in the Wild
Dennis Tatang ; Florian Quinkert ; Thorsten Holz
Assessing the Threat of Blockchain-based Botnets
Leon Böck ; Nikolaos Alexopoulos ; Emine Saracoglu ; Max Mühlhäuser ; Emmanouil Vasilomanolakis
Mapping the Underground: Supervised Discovery of Cybercrime Supply Chains
Rasika Bhalerao ; Maxwell Aliapoulios ; Ilia Shumailov ; Sadia Afroz ; Damon McCoy
Whitelists that Work: Creating Defensible Dynamic Whitelists with Statistical Learning
Renée Burton ; Laura Rocha
Honware: A Virtual Honeypot Framework for Capturing CPE and IoT Zero Days
Alexander Vetterl ; Richard Clayton
A meta-analysis of field experiments on phishing susceptibility
Teodor Sommestad ; Henrik Karlzén
From playing games to committing crimes: A multi-technique approach to predicting key actors on an online gaming forum
Jack Hughes ; Ben Collier ; Alice Hutchings
Report Now. Report Effectively. Conceptualizing the Industry Practice for Cybercrime Reporting
Morvareed Bidgoli ; Bart P. Knijnenburg ; Jens Grossklags ; Brad Wardman
Dine and Dash: Static, Dynamic, and Economic Analysis of In-Browser Cryptojacking
Muhammad Saad ; Aminollah Khormali ; Aziz Mohaisen
Control and Understanding in Malicious and Benign Software
Eric Spero ; Milica Stojmenović ; Sonia Chiasson ; Robert Biddle
Identifying Unintended Harms of Cybersecurity Countermeasures
Yi Ting Chua ; Simon Parkin ; Matthew Edwards ; Daniela Oliveira ; Stefan Schiffner ; Gareth Tyson ; Alice Hutchings