2018 Accepted Research Papers
The Symposium on Electronic Crime Research is an annual event hosted by the APWG. The event’s continuing goal is to promote cybercrime research by providing an venue for university researchers to publish their work. The program has published 100’s of papers specifically focused on fraud and crime in the cyber world.

Inside a Phisher’s Mind: Understanding the Anti-phishing Ecosystem Through Phishing Kit Analysis
Adam Oest ; Yeganeh Safei ; Adam Doupe ; Gail-Joon Ahn ; Brad Wardman ; Gary Warner
Using URL Shorteners to Compare Phishing and Malware Attacks
Sophie Le Page ; Guy-Vincent Jourdan ; Gregor v. Bochmann ; Jason Flood ; Iosif-Viorel Onut
A Layered Approach to Defending Against List- Linking Email Bombs
Cristina Houle ; Ruchika Pandey
A Key-Management-Based Taxonomy for Ransomware
Pranshu Bajpai ; Aditya K Sood ; Richard Enbody
Large Scale Detection of IDN Domain Name Masquerading
Yahia Elsayed ; Ahmed Shosha
At-Risk System Identification via Analysis of Discussions on the Darkweb
Eric Nunes ; Paulo Shakarian ; Gerardo I. Simari
“Effects of Peer Feedback on Password Strength
Marc Dupuis ; Faisal Khan
Bullet-Proof Payment Processors
Hongwei Tian ; Stephen M. Gaffigan ; D. Sean West ; Damon McCoy
COINHOARDER: Tracking a Ukrainian Bitcoin Phishing Ring DNS Style
Artsiom Holub ; Jeremiah O’Connor