2017 Accepted Research Papers
The Symposium on Electronic Crime Research is an annual event hosted by the APWG. The event’s continuing goal is to promote cybercrime research by providing an venue for university researchers to publish their work. The program has published 100’s of papers specifically focused on fraud and crime in the cyber world.

Classifying phishing URLs using recurrent neural networks
Alejandro Correa Bahnsen ; Eduardo Contreras Bohorquez ; Sergio Villegas ; Javier Vargas ; Fabio A. González
Blockchain explorer: An analytical process and investigation environment for bitcoin
Hiroki Kuzuno ; Christian Karam
Characterizing key stakeholders in an online black-hat marketplace
Shehroze Farooqi ; Guillaume Jourjon ; Muhammad Ikram ; Mohamed Ali Kaafar ; Emiliano De Cristofaro ; Zubair Shafiq ; Arik Friedman ; Fareed Zaffar
Measuring cyber attribution in games
Andrew Ruef ; Eric Nunes ; Paulo Shakarian ; Gerardo I. Simari
All your cards are belong to us: Understanding online carding forums
Andreas Haslebacher ; Jeremiah Onaolapo ; Gianluca Stringhini
Breaking and fixing content-based filtering
Mayank Dhiman ; Markus Jakobsson ; Ting-Fang Yen
“Hello. This is the IRS calling.”: A case study on scams, extortion, impersonation, and phone spoofing
Morvareed Bidgoli ; Jens Grossklags
Characterizing the impact of malware infections and remediation attempts through support forum analysis
Sara Amini ; Chris Kanich
1000 days of UDP amplification DDoS attacks
Daniel R. Thomas ; Richard Clayton ; Alastair R. Beresford