2016 Accepted Research Papers
The Symposium on Electronic Crime Research is an annual event hosted by the APWG. The event’s continuing goal is to promote cybercrime research by providing an venue for university researchers to publish their work. The program has published 100’s of papers specifically focused on fraud and crime in the cyber world.
Behind closed doors: measurement and analysis of CryptoLocker ransoms in Bitcoin
Kevin Liao ; Ziming Zhao ; Adam Doupe ; Gail-Joon Ahn
ENTRADA: enabling DNS big data applications
Maarten Wullink ; Moritz Muller ; Marco Davids ; Giovane C. M. Moura ; Cristian Hesselman
Evaluating randomness in cyber attack textual artifacts
Xuan Zhao ; Jay Luan ; Matt Wolff
Geo-Phisher: the design and evaluation of information visualizations about internet phishing trends
Leah Zhang-Kennedy ; Elias Fares ; Sonia Chiasson ; Robert Biddle
Knowing your enemies: leveraging data analysis to expose phishing patterns against a major US financial institution
Javier Vargas ; Alejandro Correa Bahnsen ; Sergio Villegas ; Daniel Ingevaldson
Profiling underground merchants based on network behavior
Srikanth Sundaresan ; Damon McCoy ; Sadia Afroz ; Vern Paxson
REAPER: an automated, scalable solution for mass credential harvesting and OSINT
Blake Butler ; Brad Wardman ; Nate Pratt
Revisiting password rules: facilitating human management of passwords
Leah Zhang-Kennedy ; Sonia Chiasson ; Paul van Oorschot
“Smells Phishy?”: An educational game about online phishing scams
Malak Baslyman ; Sonia Chiasson
Taking down websites to prevent crime
Alice Hutchings ; Richard Clayton ; Ross Anderson
When cybercrimes strike undergraduates
Morvareed Bidgoli ; Bart P. Knijnenburg ; Jens Grossklags