2010 Accepted Research Papers
09 Jul 2019
The Symposium on Electronic Crime Research is an annual event hosted by the APWG. The event’s continuing goal is to promote cybercrime research by providing an venue for university researchers to publish their work. The program has published 100’s of papers specifically focused on fraud and crime in the cyber world.

This Year's Published Papers
Authorship attribution of web forum posts
Sangita R. Pillay ; Thamar Solorio
A framework for financial botnet analysis
Marco Riccardi ; David Oro ; Jesus Luna ; Marco Cremonini ; Marc Vilanova
Koobface: The evolution of the social botnet
Brian K. Tanner ; Gary Warner ; Henry Stern ; Scott Olechowski
NoTabNab: Protection against the “tabnabbing attack”
Seckin Anil Unlu ; Kemal Bicakci
Automatically determining phishing campaigns using the USCAP methodology
Robert Layton ; Paul Watters ; Richard Dazeley
Feature selection for Spam and Phishing detection
Fergus Toolan ; Joe Carthy
On SCADA control system command and response injection and intrusion detection
Wei Gao ; Thomas Morris ; Bradley Reaves ; Drew Richey
Securing IS assets through hacker deterrence: A case study
Sean M. Zadig ; Gurvirender Tejay