2009 Accepted Research Papers
The Symposium on Electronic Crime Research is an annual event hosted by the APWG. The event’s continuing goal is to promote cybercrime research by providing an venue for university researchers to publish their work. The program has published 100’s of papers specifically focused on fraud and crime in the cyber world.

Humboldt: A distributed phishing disruption system
Paul Knickerbocker ; Dongting Yu ; Jun Li
Phishing detection using classifier ensembles
Fergus Toolan ; Joe Carthy
Burn Before Reading: A stealthy framework for combating live forensics examinations
Mina Guirguis ; Jason Valdez ; Bassam El Lababedi ; Joseph Valdez
Determining provenance in phishing websites using automated conceptual analysis
Robert Layton ; Paul Watters
Establishing phishing provenance using orthographic features
Liping Ma ; John Yearwood ; Paul Watters
An exploration of unintended online private information disclosure in educational institutions across four countries
Onook Oh ; Rajarshi Chakraborty ; H. R. Rao ; Shambhu Upadhyaya
Discovery, infiltration, and denial of service in a process control system wireless network
Bradley Reaves ; Thomas Morris
Improving phishing countermeasures: An analysis of expert interviews
Steve Sheng ; Ponnurangam Kumaraguru ; Alessandro Acquisti ; Lorrie Cranor ; Jason Hong
A novel anti-phishing framework based on honeypots
Shujun Li ; Roland Schmitz
Identifying vulnerable websites by analysis of common strings in phishing URLs
Brad Wardman ; Gaurang Shukla ; Gary Warner