APWG Membership

The APWG, established in 2003 as the Anti-Phishing Working Group, is an industry association focused on unifying the global response to cybercrime. The organization provides a forum for responders and managers of cybercrime to discuss phishing and cybercrime issues, to consider potential technology solutions, to access data logistics resources for cybersecurity applications, to cultivate the university research community dedicated to cybercrime, and to advise government, industry, law enforcement and treaty organizations on the nature of cybercrime.
APWG Membership Eligibility

Membership is open to qualified financial institutions, retailers, ISPs, solutions providers, the law enforcement community, government agencies, university-based researchers active in the topic space, multi-lateral treaty organizations and NGOs. There are more than 2,000 enterprises worldwide participating in the APWG. Because electronic crime is a sensitive subject, the APWG maintains a policy of confidentiality of member organizations.

Looking Glass


PLANS & FEATURES Premium Sponsoring Corporate Individual
ANNUAL DUES $15,000 $7,500 $5,000 $2,500€ $1,500€
Access to The eCrime eXchange – The APWG's Threat Data Sharing Platform
View only your eCX submitted Phishing Data
Access to All APWG Mailing Lists
Eligible to Attend Closed APWG Conferences
Discounted APWG Conference Pricing
Complimentary APWG Conference Registrations 3 2 1 1
Access To eCX Workgroups
Unlimited Participation for Employees and Contractors
Listed as a Sponsoring Member on the APWG website
Access to eCX Phish Data Module
Access to eCX Malicious IP Data Module
Access to eCX ReportPhishing@ Email Archives
Post Your Whitepapers on the APWG Website
Post Solution Profiles on the APWG Website
Steering Committee Seat

We sometimes offer discounted pricing to Non-Profits, Academic, Government, LEO, and NGO organizations, contact us at membership@apwg.org with your information.


To apply for collaboration in the APWG, please fill in the form below.

Your application will be reviewed, and upon approval, you will be sent an invoice and a data sharing agreement prior to receiving an email linvite to the data sharing and workgroup site. If you have any questions, please contact us at membership@apwg.org.

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